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Last Updated on May 27, 2021 by Tyler Clark

I love side hustles.

They’re probably the part of the blog I’m most excited to write about. They can also become something really special. There’s nothing like a good side hustle in my mind. A little extra money always feels so good. It always made me feel like yeah, I have a job but I’ve also got a little bonus money coming in too. It’s like having insurance for your regular job. I never used to take my side hustles seriously even though they felt so sweet but, I do now. Here’s why..

Here’s Why Side Hustles are so Special

You learn so much aside from the money. You get knowledge in an industry, interactions with people, income that’s generated from a second source and the potential for so much more.

With all these benefits, side hustles can also be really fulfilling. But that’s not the reason they’re so special in my mind..

They’re special to me because I feel they’re mini versions of real businesses. If you can side hustle consistently, you can do business consistently. Of course it’s not that simple but, how else are you going to learn? If you want to get better at businesses, side hustles can teach you a lot without the big financial risks.

And don’t think that just because it’s a side hustle that it can’t turn into a real business. It definitely can.

Side Hustles I love:

  • Arbitrage. I flipped bikes for years, you can literally flip anything on Amazon, Craigslist and Ebay to this very day.
  • Online blog/website. Member sites, blogs, affiliate platforms, the list goes on. I still a run a small member site I started 7 years ago.
  • Surveys, they pay well for your time and they’re the perfect “What can I do right now?” option for a little bit of extra cash.
  • Skill offering. Can you write, edit or design? What’s your skill? Whatever it is, people probably need it and they’re willing to pay for it.

How about you?

What are you up to? What’s a side hustle you’re curious about or one that’s worked for you in the past?

Drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on.

