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Last Updated on June 26, 2021 by Tyler Clark

Ever notice people tell you to start a business and that’s it?

What does “start a business actually mean?”

It’s a pretty broad statement.

Let’s simplify it for you.

The one thing you want to do when you start a business is establish something.

If you work as a consultant, all you’ve established is a job. This isn’t much of a “business per se”. If you create something such as a website, membership site, blog, lemonade stand, you’ve made something.

You’ve established something. This has more potential as a business.

Establish Something to Start a Business

What’s the first thing you do when you get to the campsite?

You set up camp.

You need a base.

You need somewhere for people to go. You must create a structure of some kind from which to build your business.

We can get caught up in all these other ideas regarding logos and designs and product offerings and how we’re going to reach customers.

None of this needs to be done until you establish something.

Your business is MASSIVE in your head but how big is it to other people looking in?

In most cases, you should establish your website first.

Don’t just build a Facebook page or a linked in profile.

You should have a proper website.

This is something you can control and you own it. You’re in charge of your profile. If your social media account settings change, there’s nothing you can do about it. This can risk all the hard work you’ve put into promoting yourself.

With your own site, you always have your platform. Nobody can take that away from you.

If you’re ready to get started, build your site on WordPress and get some hosting.

Visit Bluehost to get your site hosted and up and running.
You’ll get 60% off the regular hosting price and pay only 2.95 a month through my link.

Just Get Started, That’s Enough

You’ll feel good once you start the site.

It will feel great to create something. It’ll release all that stored up energy.

That energy will now flow to the next piece of the puzzle.

It’s free to move forward now that you’ve passed this initial step.

That’s how energy works, it flows.

And until you start that first step, you’re holding up the flow.

Why do You Establish Something?

You establish something for focus, growth and exposure. It doesn’t even have to be a website but these days, that’s a really good place to start. Even if you never use your site, it will help you layout your thoughts and focus you on what you want to next.

It’s kind of a live journal, blueprint and outline.

It will give you structure and help you coordinate the effort. I’ve done this multiple times and the worst thing you can do is leave all this stuff in your head.

That’s sure to get you nowhere.

What About Just Using Facebook?

Should you just get started with a Facebook or YouTube account because I can’t build a site? Is that enough? Yes and no.

You should probably have a few social accounts but you absolutely must have your own site.

I would also highly suggest posting everything on your social accounts and on your website.

You can post the odd thing just on your Instagram or YouTube account here and there but in general, don’t make this a common practice.

Always make sure your personal site is the main content source because in the end, it’s your baby. You have complete and total control over it and if anything happens to one of your social accounts, you still have your main site. This means your information is protected and going to stay up as a solid track record of what you’ve done and that’s invaluable.

If you’re not sure how to build a site, visit my Resources Page and look for They offer all kinds of designers and coders that can help you build your site for very reasonable pricing.

What Else Can You Establish?

The answer to this question is literally anything but don’t get ahead of yourself. Though it’s really fun to dream about the amazing business you’re going to build, you still want to get the basics underway first.

Then you can link up social accounts, connect with peers, add designs to your site, and pick out a cool logo.

Down the road, you can open locations, buy equipment and so much more. There may even come a time when purchasing real estate would be a good idea.

For now though, I would just focus on your own mini piece of online real estate.

One More Cool Bonus

The second you build a site, it starts counting the days you’ve been up.

It marks the fact that your business has been started.

This can be a source of pride for you and a source of credibility to future customers.

It can also give you evidence should you want to pursue trademarks down the road.

It’s your preverbal flag in the ground.

Build it and it will go to work for you, your customers and probably be indexed by google which is good for business.

In the end, you can buy gold, bitcoin, real estate, rare art and other assets but few of these have the potential power of a good website.

As I mentioned earlier, if you’re ready to start your site, visit Bluehost for to get started. They have amazing customer service and they will walk you through the process once you sign up. Use my link to get some serious savings on their hosting and establish something today!

Best of Wealth,
