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Last Updated on May 21, 2021 by Tyler Clark

Making more money isn’t easy and one of the toughest parts of doing so is simply getting started. Luckily, there are many tips and tricks we can use to get the ball rolling a bit sooner these days to get that money to start coming in.

Below, are 4 tips that have helped me get started making money and kept me making money. I wish someone had told me them sooner (or that I’d clued into them) so I’m telling you them now. They can help you start making some money quicker and they should also help your longer term earning power.

Tip#1: Start With What You Like

I know it’s a simple point but you need to pick something you like. That’s the first step. We avoid certain jobs not because they don’t pay well but, because we would never want to do them in the first place. It’s easy to make more money. The trick is finding a way you like to make good money. Finding something you like will make you happier and wealthier. That’s a much better recipe than wealthier and more miserable.

Now this goes for your side hustles too. Even though it’s “just a side hustle”, you should still doing like it. It’s still important to enjoy your work even if it’s a smaller endeavor.

For example,

I used to flip bicycles for extra money while I was in college. I really enjoyed tinkering on the bikes and fixing them up. I’d ride them on the weekends and eventually sell them for a little extra money down the road. It was a fun side hustle and it never felt like work. I ended up doing it for a couple of years and it made me some good extra money.

When something like the bike flipping goes well, it also allows you to hang in there and build a skillset. This can make you more money faster with less work as you refine your abilities.

About a year into my side hustle, I remember buying a bike frame for $950 and selling it for $1280 3 weeks later.

That’s $330 without any work.

I knew that the seller price was low and that the bike frame was a popular model. I never did anything to the frame except buy it and sell it.

Things get easier as you get better.

Tip#2: Find Out What Can You do for The Money

Money can get us looking outward and focusing on what we don’t have because we don’t have the money! This gets you chasing dollar amounts instead of looking for what will be more fulfilling to you. So instead of looking outwardly at the money, look inward and ask what you have inside you that can make money. Figure out what you know or have that can bring the money to you.

Cashing in on your qualities and insights is a much better way to start making more money. Go with that instead of forcing yourself to do something that you hate just because it pays a bit more.

Tip#3: The Skill Doesn’t Matter

What if you have an industry or business you’d like to start but you’re not skilled in that industry? Does this mean you can’t enter the field?

Let’s say you’re really interested in apparel design. You have a great deal of knowledge about clothes but you’re not a gifted designer. Do you drop everything and go to design school, try to start drawing on one of those fancy computers and become a fashion pro? Maybe. But, if that’s a stretch, that’s ok. Thanks to the wonderful world of business, you have options.

You can team up with a designer or hire one. You can have other people help you with the skills you don’t possess. This is all normal in the business world. You see people teaming up all the time and working on projects together. You can hire people on the web (I use, talk to local businesses, talk to schools and give students internships, the list goes on.

Whatever the skill side of the business is, there’s someone out there that can do it for you. You having the skill DOES NOT MATTER.

So if you don’t have the skill, don’t let that stop you.

Pretty much all the millionaires I trained didn’t personally deliver their products or services. Now you may be thinking sure, they don’t do it now but they did it originally.

In some cases yes, but in others no. Ultimately, both formats work. So if you have the skills, great.

If you don’t, so what. You can always find someone who does.

Tip #4: You’re Already Here

The last key piece (and I wish someone told me this sooner) is that you’re already here.

That’s the first BIG step to making more money. Interest, drive, passion, whatever you want to call it, to make more money is so important. That little bit of drive is important, that’s the difference make. Not the fancy business skills.

I had a friend many years ago that used to say that making $2500 a month was enough. He didn’t have any interest in making a couple of extra bucks on the side or building a bit of a business or anything like that. He just wanted a paycheck and that was it.

That was enough for him and that’s completely fine.

It’s important to realize that many people are like my friend. They don’t want to pursue any of these money making endeavors and that’s ok.

On the other hand, if you want to seek out a little more, that means you’ve got some extra drive and passion for making money. That’s ok too. People feel like it’s “wrong” to want to make more money. It’s not. Perhaps it would be wrong to work so hard that you compromise important parts of your life but, that’s not what we’re talking about here. Here, we’re talking about working hard to improve your financial situation for a better financial future.

So if you have some drive and passion to work hard and make more money, you already have a big piece of the puzzle.

We often think it’s the genius millionaire skills or super intricate business processes that will make us rich. It’s not. It’s the interest in seeking them out. And don’t worry, the processes and skills aren’t super intricate-I’ll tell you more about that in future articles.

It’s the initial drive that gets you to the prize. Apply that and you may find you’re closer than you thought to starting to make more money.

