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Last Updated on June 16, 2021 by Tyler Clark

3 Business Fear Hacks & a Lambo

So, the Lamborghini I tried wasn’t green but it was quite a machine none the less. We’ll get into that later. For now, let’s take a quick look at some of the fears that can stand in the way of your new super car.

Leaving the Structured World of Jobs

Breaking from the norm of having a 9 to 5 job can certainly be frightening. People have told you all of your life to get an education and get a job and believe it or not, they’re not totally wrong. Getting a good job can support you for the rest of your life. It can also feel very safe.

The general job market can feel like a big soft and puffy pillow protecting you from the deadly business world and volatility of the free market. It can also draw you back if things aren’t going well with your business. In some cases, it may be a good idea to return to the “get a job” world but, in this case, we’re talking about staying in the open air. This may stir up a few emotions.

I find fear to be a relatively common headspace visitor when it comes to new endeavors. It’s protective to an extent but how often should we listen to it?

One of the ways I like to manage it is to have a few hacks in place for the typical fears that show up and try to throw me off track. I have hacks that act like rebuttals to stop the fears in their place so I can refocus and keep moving forward.

Business Fear Hack #1

The first thing you can do to combat fear as an entrepreneur is to GO SLOW or at least slow down a bit. That’s right, don’t dive in and take a huge chance. Instead, why not go a bit slower and try a smaller step?

As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly being told about people that have made enormous moves and conquered incredible feats but remember, these are rare individuals.

In many cases, these are extreme examples and we don’t need to blindly follow them. Yes we want to work hard and push ourselves but not to the point where it becomes too risky or that it causes burnout.

I think the millionaires had a lot of confidence and appeared so well grounded because they didn’t push themselves too far out of their comfort zones. I remember having this impression over the years quite routinely. They moved forward with things but, they did it at a reasonable pace for themselves. This allowed them to improve but not push to the point where things couldn’t be managed and fell apart.

You need to find your pacing and since we know that going too big is dangerous, the trick is to slow down. Once you slow down, you’ll be able to see what the appropriate pace is and re-establish good pacing. This should help alleviate some of those business fears as you get some control back. Perspective can come from many angles and though going faster might give you some, you’ll have less time to process what you see. This is not a sustainable plan.

Don’t fear slowing down, it may be the right move to take a slower step or two.

Business Fear Hack #2

Get someone to help you. Yes, there are folks who are simply perpetual entrepreneurs and can stride out on their own and take on the world but if that’s not you, it’s ok to get some help. Some of the best athletes I trained still had coaches. Whether it’s a mentor, books or Facebook groups, get someone to help you. Even if it’s someone to vent to, it’s very important. Almost all of the millionaires I trained routinely talked about who or what helped them and guided them. Not only were they great business people but their mentors were quite something too.

The most successful people in the world get help and so can you.

Connect with people that are in or have been in the industry you’re working on. Find people that can relate to your situation with quality insight and wisdom. Just chatting at a coffee shop with a stranger might not be an adequate source of guidance for your new super business venture.

Failing that, find a mentor and a book or two. There were many great books my clients read to help them move forward in business.

Business Fear Hack #3

Realize that there will always be a job.

This doesn’t mean you should quit the job you have but just realize, there will always be jobs. There’s no danger of you not being able to find some kind of job. This fear of not having your job or a job isn’t that well founded. If you’re planning on going out and starting your own business and it all comes crumbling down, there will always be some kind of job for you. It may not be your exact old job but, there are always jobs out there. And if you’re even considering starting your own business, it means you’re driven, capable and sharper than the average person to begin with and people will hire someone like that any day of the week.

So take comfort in the fact that there will almost always be a baseline job for you to fall back on if your business doesn’t work out.

The Lamborghini

The Lamborghini I started up was the second one I’d seen in person. It was a pretty wild machine. Low to the ground and very stealth looking. It had some kind of matte finish that looked really slick.

When you start one of these things, it turns over really aggressively, almost like a chainsaw with a real punch. It’s crazy. The cabin feels really solid. You know it would hold you tight and cozy if you ever took it up to speed in a turn. I just got to start it up after a client session. Didn’t drive it which was probably good because I’m not licensed as a fighter pilot.

That car belonged to a successful business person who had become an excellent investor. They were friends with my client. I saw tales like this quite a bit and they were good for confirming that success is genuinely possible. It’s all about navigating your way through the fears and the obstacles to get to the success.

It’s nice to see that it’s possible and that it can be done.

Once you’re there, you can enjoy it any way you see fit. If I were you, I’d start with luxury car driving lessons.

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