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Last Updated on June 30, 2021 by Tyler Clark

Hello & Welcome

Hello and welcome. My name is Tyler Clark and I’ve been a high end personal trainer in a very affluent city for the last 15 years. I’ve been logging all the crazy aspects of my journey.

At the young age of 21, I was tossed into this crazy world of mansions, fancy cars, expense accounts, private golf courses and money. I came from a regular middle class family and all of the sudden I was parking in front of mansions? This was all pretty crazy..

Having always had a big interest in business and entrepreneurship, I began feeding my curiosity. I started trying to figure out how these people had reached these positions in society.

Sure some had inherited money, others had taken over existing businesses. I didn’t have to worry about figuring that out. My focus was going to be on the first generation, self made millionaires that I trained. They were the key and they became the foundation for the site.

I started to learn that there are a lot of options in the financial world. You don’t have to just go to school and get a job. There’s nothing wrong with that but there are lots of other ways to supplement that income. That’s why I made the site, I want to help you figure out everything beyond your job.

To do that, I’ll be sharing millionaire tips, side hustles, saving tips, business hacks and so much more. If I think it can help you on your entrepreneurial journey, I’m going to tell you about it. 

So, sit back and enjoy the tales of training millionaires, building life long friendships and watching people fall off treadmills. It’s been a great ride and I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Welcome to training the millionaires.