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Last Updated on August 4, 2021 by Tyler Clark

I’ll add to this list later but here are a few Millionaire Habits up for discussion.

They Save Lots of Money

No and Yes. They save lots of their money because they have so much money that things don’t cost much anymore. Now if you’re talking about saving to just barely become a millionaire, that’s different. You can save all you want. But if you’re talking about people who made big money, they’re not savers, they’re selective spenders because the thrill of the treat is tougher to come by once you’ve bought everything you like.

They Take on a Side Hustle

No. They take on a full time hustle. Millionaires tend to go much bigger than just taking on a side hustle. Now don’t worry, you can still definitely start a side hustle and become a millionaire. Just understand that for this article, we’re talking about whether they take on a side hustle or a full blown business. In the case of the millionaires, it tends to be a full blown business.


I really agree with journaling but I really can’t say I saw a lot of it. Granted I wasn’t there all the time but it’s not like you need to journal to make millions. I never hear about these journal-ers that are just cashing jotting down everything about their business. Let’s put it this way, if you need to write it down, go ahead, it can’t hurt but, odds are putting the real thing in motion will work better than putting pen to paper. Once that “real” ball is rolling, then start journaling as a supplement.

You Need to Believe it Will Happen

Nope! In fact, what you can believe is that it can happen no matter what you think. Ever notice how people who make it big always say “I still can’t believe it!” I guess it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. What matters is that you give it a shot. Forget believing, start doing. That has much better odds of making something happen for you regardless of how much you believe it will happen.