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Last Updated on June 3, 2021 by Tyler Clark

Did You Ace Chemistry in School?

Ever have that feeling in high school where you knew a course was going to be hard? Maybe it was going to be so hard that you worried about failing it? You might have even been aware that there were tougher courses that you definitely couldn’t pass. I had the realization that I wasn’t “smart” enough to pass certain classes in high school and that it could limit me in life.

I wasn’t dumb but, I definitely wasn’t gifted in certain areas. Basically, I wasn’t smart in the areas of school that led to high paying jobs. This concerned me.

Thank goodness this kind of smart isn’t required in business.

The “They’re Smarter” Trap

In school, it can be stressful knowing you’re going to struggle through a course. Though it’s good to be challenged, it’s not fun to be out of your element in the middle of Chemistry class. These memories must be deeply rooted in many of us because..

I still see business people getting trapped thinking they’re not “smart enough”.

As far as I’m concerned, the “I’m not smart enough” trap is a fallacy. All it means is that some people are good at Math and others are good at English.

In business, it’s not required that you’re smart in any one area. What matters is that you can get someone else who’s smart at something to help you.

Smarts Don’t Matter in Business

Here’s the trick: In business, you don’t take Chemistry if you’re not good at it. In the business world, the Chem major takes the test for you. If your friend has great knowledge in marketing, you get consulting from them. The whole trick with business is to do the opposite of what you did in high school. Instead of worrying about Math exams or English tests, you get someone else to take them for you.

Sounds easy right?

Then why do so many of us still try to ace Chemistry class? Maybe we want to get better, maybe we want to succeed or maybe we just want the control. All of these reasons are valid but, do they move your business forward? They might move it forward but can the Chem major get things done faster? What’s the smartest move here?

This kind of situation is a good example of the smarts you’ll need to navigate the business world.

Here are a few more..

The Business Smarts You Do Need


Business requires a whole set of smarts of its own. Luckily, anyone can learn them. Numbers don’t need to mesh and flow in your head. You don’t need to solve for X and you don’t need to be a star in Phys Ed.

What you do need are skills such as adaptability, awareness, acceptance and the ability to empower.

  • Can you change and adapt your business for the future?
  • Are you able to let go and get others do the work?
  • Can you manage 3 people and help them get better instead of yourself?
  • Can you accept that Chemistry just isn’t for you?

These are all learnable skills you can use and succeed with in the world of business. If you look closely at our skills list, you’ll also notice something else.

They’re very similar to good life skills.

Your Business is Real

Your business is a living, breathing entity that can grow and be adapted in so many amazing ways. You must grow and adapt with it. Eventually, if you do a good job, it’s also going to outgrow you.

Or at least grow to the point that you can’t do everything.

This will force you to off hand all those Chem tests even if you’re a Chem major. It’s an inevitable must if you want the business to survive and thrive.

I believe you’re smart enough to take such an approach.

Now stop worrying about passing Chemistry.

Best of Wealth,
