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Last Updated on June 20, 2021 by Tyler Clark

Will a Millionaire Give You a Million Bucks?

Yeah I know, they’ve got tons of dough so why don’t they give you some?

It seems logical right? You a good person, you’re a nice guy or a swell gal, why the heck can’t the wealthy person drop 7 figures in your bank account?

Well, I used to think the same thing all the time..

And you’re right.

The rich person does have the money. They are rolling in the dough and could afford to give you a pile of it.

So why don’t they?

Everyone is Trying to Rip them Off

The first reason millionaires tend to be careful with their money regardless of how much they have is because everyone is trying to take some.

It’s common to think that a wealthy person has extra money so let’s charge them more, they can afford it right?

Well, let’s flip the script. For the millionaire, everywhere they go, people are trying to charge them more than the other customers once they find out the millionaire has money.

This can put the millionaire on guard. They don’t mind paying for something but they don’t want to have to pay more just because they have more.

Because they worked harder for their money, the millionaire had a greater respect for money too.

The last thing they wanted to do with it after all this work was to give away needlessly.

They knew the value of money and it’s incredible utility.

Why pay your plumber than you neighbors when you could donate that extra money to a homeless shelter?

Remember, millionaires are good with their money so this can seem really wasteful to pay extra for no reason.

They’re Already Giving Away a Lot of Money

Millionaires, have families, friends, businesses and charities they want to give money to and support. All of these worthwhile causes tend to come before just giving money to an acquaintance or someone they don’t know as well.

Helping family and friends out can be a full time job. This is often very important to millionaires and they’re more then happy to give money to those close to them.

All of my clients were very gracious and took care of all of those around them with money and their personal support. It was nice to see. They were very good people in that way.

It Goes Against Their Entire Outlook

Giving away a large amount of money to someone for no real reason would go against a self made millionaire’s thinking. My clients would give you a job or maybe help you out with something really small if you were stuck but they wouldn’t bestow someone with great wealth. It’s not how they fostered their income so why would they advocate this for someone else?

In many cases, they had to work harder for their money than the average person and thus, they care a bit more about their money.

On the positive side of all this, they were always happy to teach someone how to make more money.

I remember them routinely being asked about this. Sometimes it would be a phone call during the session or a friend popping by. Some of their thoughts and advice was recorded in various pieces of literature over the years as well.

I even recall a prominent business man telling me at a party that one of my clients was the best business person he’d ever met. He said my client really knew how to make money. I think my client had helped this man out with some business advice but I don’t know any of the details.

In any case, this was a common occurrence.

I think a good way to think of this is that Tiger Woods is probably happy to show someone a few golf tips for their golf game. However, he’s not going to just give someone his US Open Trophy. In some ways, the money is the trophy for the millionaires. It loses meaning to just give it away to someone who didn’t earn it.

So as the clique goes, the millionaires wouldn’t give you a free fish but they were certainly willing to show you how to fish.

Did I Get Any Perks?

I did get some perks from the millionaires. Some of the other trainers I knew had gotten things from their clients too. One of the trainers got a car from a client at a gym I used to work at. I’m pretty sure that was the biggest gift I’d heard about that a trainer had received.

Half the time, I didn’t even know I was getting the gift.

For example, when you’re a guest at a private golf course, there’s a guest fee. In most cases, it’s upwards of a hundred dollars. The first few times my clients took me, I thought it was free for them to bring a guest. Young and clueless was I.

If they bought me a meal after the round, this was certainly a treat that cost them some money. I always thanked them of course but, I thanked them more intensely when I clued in that it was costing them money for the round of golf.

Over the years, tickets to events, countless lunches, gifts for birthdays and holidays and more than anything the friendships and connections were all great perks of the job.

Having fun with great people will always far outweigh the value of money.

That’s a definite lesson I learned from millionaires.

Best of Wealth,
