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Last Updated on June 30, 2021 by Tyler Clark

As a personal trainer, you get to see all kinds of different jobs in action.

You train Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Business Owners, Millionaires and more.

You get to see so many different careers up close.

So which ones are better and what are the pros and cons of each job? We’re going to touch on all these careers and breakdown the benefits and drawbacks of each style of work.

I also added two infographics for benefits and drawbacks.

This should all help us see a few key differences and help you decide which one’s better for your career.

Doctor & Lawyer Findings:

This always stood out to me. I couldn’t believe how many Doctors and Lawyers I trained felt like they weren’t making enough money! This was a real thing. They worked carry hard (I’d say harder than the millionaires) and they still weren’t living the millionaire lifestyle.

For the Doctor and the Lawyer, the money is good but it’s not crazy good. The other problem is that you don’t have any time to spend it. By the time they’d paid of debt and bought a home and a car that was befitting of societal norms for their career, there wasn’t a lot of money and time left over.

Once you’ve devoted your life to becoming a Doctor or Lawyer, there also isn’t much time left to retrain for something else.

I did see a few people do it, but it’s a tall order.

Perhaps the most famous story of this being done is Doctor turned actor Ken Jeong. After completing a medical degree, Jeong has enjoyed famous roles in the Hangover I, II and III and is a host on the Masked Singer TV show.

Aside from that, this isn’t a well worn path. That being said, once you become a Doctor or Lawyer, there are many more advanced positions you can take that are very high paying.

Doctors and Lawyers can certainly make over a million dollars in a single year.

As for stress, the hours were incredibly long and some were incredibly stressful.

Both careers required night shifts due to working with clients in different time zones and at hospitals.

Both groups had to deal with demanding clients and or patients too.

High Level Uncapped Consultants

Too many business people rag on this job category.

It can be a really good job provided you become an “Uncapped Consultant”. To learn more about this, read my article, The Curse of the Capped Consultant.

Avoid the curse and this can be a good category of job to be in.

This arena is comprised of the Realtors, high level sales people, Marketing Consultants, Interior Designers and alike.

If you’re willing to really push in these jobs, there’s some serious money to be made.

If we look at the Realtor for example,

Realtors can be making over a 100K a year with very little actual active hours of work. Having a father as a Realtor showed me that the job isn’t easy but, it can be lucrative and pay you well for your time.

That being said, you can be greatly affected by the economy and the base price of real estate in your home town.

Business Owners

This is the where I saw most of the millionaires.

And though they’d made it, none of them had gone through an easy process to get there.

It wasn’t easy and it was with a lot of hard work.

That being said, I think they came out a little better in the long run.

Not much, just a little better versus some of the Doctors and Lawyers.

As an aside, I’d like to thank all the Doctors and Lawyers I’ve trained for all the hard work they’ve done for the world. 

Though they may not have made millions, they certainly live a great life and do great things for people. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

Regarding the business owners,

many of them reached the holy grail where the machine ran itself.

At some point, the math would get so big that you make more money than you can spend.

This holy grail allows you to:

  • Go golfing on Thursday afternoon.
  • You can go to lunch for 3 hours if you want.
  • You can make small changes that have a huge effect.
  • Some are fortunate to sell their businesses for millions.
  • Ultimately, it allows you to step back and take some of the pressure off.

The business money was sweeter in the end.

There just aren’t that many people with jobs that are multi-millionaires by 50.

I think the business owners had really high levels of satisfaction because they’d reached these lofty financial levels.

It was as though they’d won the game.

Now everyone was asking them what their secret was or trying to go to lunch with them.

They certainly weren’t required for the night shift.

The Infographics

The first Infographic just compares business benefits and job benefits.

Though a benefit might be stronger in one category, that doesn’t mean it isn’t strong in another as well.

After this, we’ll look at some of the drawbacks in each category too.

Business & Job Benefits Infographic

So there are many benefits in each column. The trick is seeing where you want to play the game.

Are you comfortable in the business column and keen to go for some of those benefits? Or do you lean towards the job benefit column?

Before you decide, let’s take a quick look at the drawbacks of business and job income.

Business & Job Drawback Infographic

So now that we’ve looked at some of the benefits and drawbacks of business and job money, where do you see yourself working?

Many people naturally lean one way or the other.

Hopefully, you can succeed in whichever category of income you choose.

Adoring one category is in no way a guarantee that you’ll do well in it.

Perhaps the only thing to do is give one a shot.

What About Regrets?

I think the business owners had less regrets in general.

They were happy to take a shot and miss, they’d gotten used to this and when they looked back, they hadn’t missed an opportunity because they hadn’t tried.

There was a bit of regret on the side of people in jobs but, it was mild.

They often felt they should’ve bought a stock, started a business or done something in the free market.

But, I think this idea that they missed something was no more than a mild passing thought as mentioned. They weren’t itching to change things.

Does this mean we’re all predestined to do what we do? (I don’t believe this but, there’s a lot of us that don’t change things over time).

I think in the end, many people in the job category were quite satisfied with the careers.

As for the millionaires, there was no way they weren’t going to take a shot. They had to go for it.

What are you going to do?

Best of Wealth,
